Set up Business

General Business

  • Submit application to Ministry/Department of Industry and Commerce
  • Prepare required documents: Certified documents, business registered forms , Business model, etc.
  • Min. Paid Up Capital: 20 billion Lao kip (2.5 MUSD) for wholesale & retail business 3 billion Lao kip (0.38 MUSD) for domestic good transportation

Concession Activities

  • Submit application to Ministry/Department of planning and investment (MPI) and investment promotion department (IPD)
  • Prepare required documents ,
  • Request approval from the Ministry of Planning and Investment to issue the concession license

Specific & Special Economic Zones

  • Submit application to Secretariat of Specific & Special Economic Zones
  • Prepare required documents
  • Request approval for the license

01 Bank Support

Open Bank Account

Internet Banking/Mobile Banking

Fund Transfer (in/out)


Law Regulation/ Privilege

  • Investment Promotion Law (IP Law)
  • Business License & Restriction
  • Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks
  • Policy /Permission from government
  • Trade Privilege, Lease land, etc.

02 Bank Support

Project/ Analysis (FA, IB)

Market Analysis: AEC Connect (Trends/Growth/Needs)


Operational Business

  • Normal
    Expansion/ Maintenance
  • Environmental Concerns
        – Water Pollution
        – Carbon Emission
  • Land / Office
        – Ownership, Rental
  • Cost & Expense
        – Labor, Utilities, Transportation
  • Human Resource
        – Work Permit
        – Visa & Immigration

03 Bank Support

Financing Facilities

Loan / Capital

Products & Working Services

 Account Management


 Report & Taxation

  • Corporate Income Tax 20%
  • Value Added Tax
  • Reduce or Exemption Taxation in SSEZ Zone

04 Bank Support

Filling & apply for taxation

E-withholding Tax



  • Tailor-made Incentives for the Specific & Special Economic zones (SSEZ)

05 Bank Support

Business Matching with BBL Existing Customer

01 Bank Support

Open Bank Account

Internet Banking/Mobile Banking

Fund Transfer (in/out)

02 Bank Support

Project/ Analysis (FA, IB)

Market Analysis: AEC Connect (Trends/Growth/Needs)

03 Bank Support

Financing Facilities

Loan / Capital

Products & Working Services

 Account Management

04 Bank Support

Filling & apply for taxation

E-withholding Tax

05 Bank Support

Business Matching with BBL Existing Customer